Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ideas for making more cash for your Handyman Business in the Fall

Here are some easy ways to make money with your Handyman Business in the Fall Season.

  1. Clean out Some Gutters! There are tons of people out there who need their gutters cleaned every fall. Make sure to do a good job and clean up any messes you have made and they will call you back annually. Plus, when you are there cleaning the gutters you can explain to your customer that you are also an awesome Handyman.
  2. Advertise home weatherproofing. The extent to which you weatherproof a home depends on where you live. It can be as simple as wrapping exterior water lines. 
  3. Start working on a marketing campaign to hang Christmas lights. This is a big business. I know of a few companies that do this exclusively during the winter. You would be surprised how much someone would pay you to do this.
  4. Offer to clean some hard to reach windows. Diversity is one of the best things about the Handyman business. You can do anything you'd like. And hey, if someone is willing to pay you to clean hard to reach windows, take advantage of a few easy bucks.
  5. Look for opportunities. If you see a house that has gutters overflowing with leaves, leave a flyer on the door explaining how you can help.

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