Sunday, September 1, 2013

Why is Social Media Important to Your Handyman Business?

Social Media is something that is at the forefront of lots of people's minds. Statistics show that 31 percent of smartphone users generally check a social media site before they even get out of bed in the morning.  With a captive audience like that you would be a fool not to use Social Media to your advantage.

The main forms of social media that I use in the businesses that I own are Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Pinterest. There are many more than those, but those are all popular one and a good place to start.

How to use social media to market your Handyman Business:

Use Twitter to build a following and post industry advice and specials you may be offering

Use a Facebook Fan Page to post industry specific articles, advertisement, special promotions, and job site photos.

Use Linkedin to network with other business professionals in your community,

Use Pintrest to Pin Pictures and descriptions of recent projects you've done and possible promotions.

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