Friday, August 30, 2013

Building a Buzz for Your New Business

Once your established and have lots of satisfied customers you will naturally have your name buzzing around your local community. But, how do you get there?

One way to start the buzz is to create a brand for yourself and your business. You can do many different things to create your brand but they all must be tied to your company's logo or core values in someway.  You can use social media, craigslist, yard signs, flyers, truck magnets and decals,  and business cards to do this for very little money.  If your doing a job, ask your customer if you can display a yard sign for a few days. Have plenty of business cards available at all times and hand them out to everyone you meet. You don't have to be pushy, just tell them you have a Handyman Business and if they need a Handyman then you would appreciate a chance to earn their business. 

A Handyman Business has the potential to bring in big profits, but people have to know who you are and what you do in order for that to happen.

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