Friday, August 30, 2013

Using Special Offers to Get in Front of New Customers

There is a technique that I used in the past that worked very well for getting new customers. What I would do was advertise a special item with an unbelievable offering (i.e. Security Door Supplied and Installed for $99, Smoke Detector Batteries Replaced for Free, etc) just to get in front of customers so I could sell myself. On these jobs you are not going to make much money (at the time they had a Security Door Special at Home Depot for $48, so I make a tiny amount on that one) but its one of the most effective ways to get your foot in the door. 

     If you show up on time, do a good job, clean up, act polite, and show a real interest in serving your customer there is a great chance they are going to have you come back and do more work. Good reliable service people in this industry are hard to find and people are always happy when they find a jewel. Not only are they going to have you back but they are going to tell their friends and neighbors about you. Each new customer you convert is worth thousands and sometimes tens of thousands of dollars in revenue. 

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