Friday, August 30, 2013

Start Your Business Part Time

One of the great things about the Handyman business it's very easy to start part time while you still work at your full time job. I know working during your time off may not seem too appealing to some, but it is an investment of your time to get your business up and running smoothly while you still have a steady income.
Another nice thing about starting your business while your still employed is that if you do make a few bidding errors initially, you won't be in trouble financially. It will also enable you to bank some of your profits before you take the plunge full time. Once you have your business running full time and are no longer working your regular job, you will really appreciate that savings that you built up. A solid savings account is invaluable if you find yourself in lean periods.
Once you reach the point where you can replace your income, then it's your choice to either go full time or keep it part time. There are advantages for both options, but in my opinion the self employed lifestyle is hard to beat. The flexible hours, freedom to do the jobs you chose, and the relationships you build more that make up for the absence of a steady paycheck.

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