Friday, August 30, 2013

Establishing a Minimum Service Charge for Your Business

As a Handyman your are a valuable business person in your community and you should be compensated as one. Early on in your business you should establish a minimum service charge for any work that you do.  Only you can decide what your minimum service charge will be. Keep in mind all of the expenses associated with doing the work you do. You have to pay for advertising, promotional materials, company shirts, company vehicles, fuel, insurance, licensing fees, cell phone, etc. so you need to make sure that every time you are doing a job you are being compensated for not only your labor but all that goes into running a Handyman Business.

A guideline to establish a minimum service charge for your Handyman Business would be 2 hours of your hourly rate plus any overhead that you need to be compensated for. The eBook "How to Start and Run a Successful Handyman Business" goes into this in a little more detail.

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