Friday, August 30, 2013

Top 5 Reasons to Start a Handyman Business

  1. It has very low start up cost. You can start the business with tools and the vehicle that you already have and upgrade from there.
  2. You can earn as you learn. You don't have to know a lot in the beginning. Just make sure to only take on jobs you are comfortable with.
  3. Handymen are in demand. If you do quality work and provide a good service to customers the word will spread quickly. You will have more work than you know what to do with.
  4. You can run the business out of your home. This is a low overhead business. All the materials you need can be billed to your customer. 
  5. Its fun! You get to do a variety of work and meet lots of people. You make a lot of friends in this business.

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